Maximizing Your Social Media Impact: Tips from a Digital Marketing Expert

Skydiver landing during Operation Pegasus Jump 2024

Hello hello!

It’s hard to believe it's already August! Here on Vancouver Island, it truly feels like summer, especially with the total fire ban in effect. In July, we were busy with various projects around the house and took an exciting trip to Campbell River for a veteran/first responder skydiving event. Attending Operation Pegasus Jump for the second year was a fantastic experience, and we’re already looking forward to next year!

Skydiver landing during Operation Pegasus Jump 2024

What to Post on Social Media: Expert Tips for Business Owners

Lately, I’ve been having many discussions with business owners about what to post on social media. Here’s the advice I’ve been sharing.

Showcase the Heart of Your Business

Your potential customers should understand what you do and offer through your social media content. Here are some ideas:

Service Offerings: Highlight the services you provide.

Introduction: Introduce yourself and your team.

Mission/Vision/Values: Share what drives your business.

Uniqueness: Explain what sets your business apart.

Problem-Solving: Describe the problems you solve for your customers.

Work Experience: Show what it’s like to work with you, allowing people to get to know your process.

Behind the Scenes: Offer a glimpse of the inner workings of your business.

Personality: Showcase fun aspects to reflect your business’s personality.

Authority Content

Establish yourself as an expert in your field with the following types of content:

Tips and Tricks: Share industry insights and useful information.

Testimonials: Highlight positive feedback from your clients.

Media Features: If you’ve been featured in the news, share it!

Expertise: Post anything that reinforces your authority in your niche.

Lifestyle Content

Especially for coaches, realtors, and luxury brands, showcasing a desirable lifestyle is key. Demonstrate how you embody the lifestyle you’re promoting.

Don’t Overthink Your Posts

Before posting anything to your feed (stories are different), ask yourself, “Is this something my audience would care about, or am I just posting for the sake of it?” If it’s the latter, reconsider posting it to your feed. For content that’s funny or interesting but not feed-worthy, share it in your stories. If you follow me on Instagram, you’ve probably seen my boys Dude and Panzer, who frequently appear in my stories!

Exciting News: Content Calendar with Metrics Tracker

I’ve been working behind the scenes on a content calendar that includes a metrics tracker page. It’s almost ready, and I can’t wait to share it with you once it’s live and available for purchase and download. Stay tuned! My newsletter subscribers will be the first to hear!

Until next month, keep providing value to your communities!


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