ATV Adventuring in the Upper Ottawa Valley

Calabogie Brewing

Ahoy friends! It has been what feels like a century since the last Ottawa Valley Tourist Association collaboration blog post. Fear not, you are in luck with this blog post. This blog post focuses on all things motorized sports from trails, tours, and motorized sports-related businesses. Without further delay, let’s get down to brass tax and just give’r bud!


There are so many trails in the Ottawa Valley and surrounding areas that are multi-use trails. This means that they can be utilized for things like ATV and UTV adventures. The trails mentioned are by no means an exhaustive list, but just some of our favourite trails.

The Pakkotinna Trail System

I feel like a broken record because I talk about this trail system so much! To say that I really enjoy this trail system would be putting it mildly. It is important to keep in mind that it is a multi-use trail system, meaning that it is also occasionally used by hikers.

There is so much variety in this system and really you can find something for all skill levels. Most of the trails in this system that I have ridden are classified as intermediate by the Renfrew County ATV Club. I love that there is over 104 km of trails in this system, so there is literally something for everyone.

Most of the trails in this system are compact dirt/sand with a sprinkling of medium rocks. There were some sections of trails that had some signs of water washout, which just adds to the adventure of making sure you pick the right line.

I have seen a few ATV riders out on group rides on this trail system, and all looked like they were having a great time. Most people had coolers with snacks strapped to their ATVs and some tunes narrating the ride. That would definitely be a fun way to spend some time with friends.

There are several spots and entry points to the trail system. One of the most accessible though is the parking lot across the road from Sands on Golden Lake. There is ample space to unload and gear up before hitting the trails. It is also an excellent spot because there are nearby places to grab a meal after your ride - like at Sands on Golden Lake and Golden Lake Chinese Restaurant.

Barron Canyon

The next set of trails is off Barron Canyon Road at the kilometer nine marker. This is also right next to Sand Lake, which helps to have a bit of a landmark for navigation. Anyways, this area is mostly crown land. This means that not only can you make the most of the motorized sports, but you can also camp!

My husband and I along with a group of our friends did that very thing last year! We had several group rides with ATVs and dirt bikes. I should add that this area has active logging roads, so it is important to pay attention to logging trucks that could be coming up behind you. This is only mentioned because this definitely happened to me and I definitely did not hear the sound of the logging truck until I turned onto one of the side roads.

This area has a wide variety of trails from nice easy flowing beginner trails to advanced single-track. I actually did my first dirt bike ride that was off our property here. Needless to say, I am pretty darn sentimental about these trails.


This section of the Township of Greater Madawaska is a motorsports enthusiasts’ dream. There are countless trails that are utilized by ATV riders. A variety of hill climbs and a multitude of tight single-track trails. I love partaking in the trails here because after the ride it means that I can get food at either the Redneck Bistro or Calabogie Brewing Company - two of my favourite staples when I am in Calabogie!

Calabogie Brewing

There is a 20km trail that is perfect for ATVs. The start of the trail is located just off Calabogie Road near St. Pierre Lake and weaves up the back of Manitou Mountain. It is considered moderately challenging given that it goes up a mountain. Elevation gain is 592 m for this particular route. For more information and map points for this particular route, check out the AllTrails link here.

ATV and UTV Tours

Tom Irwin Adventure Tours


Located in the heart of Calabogie in the Township of Greater Madawaska Valley is Tom Irwin Adventure Tours. This adventure-packed business offers guided ATV and UTV tours in the Madawaska Highlands. All of their tours are guided and GPS spot-tracked. It takes away all the stress and leaves the navigating to the professionals. This is awesome because I am always getting lost when the navigation is left up to me. You can rent ATVs or UTVs through Tom Irwin Adventure Tours. Conversely, you can also utilize your own ATV or UTV for a discounted tour price. Tours include roadside snacks.

Some items worth noting are that all drivers must be at least 16 years of age and have a valid G2 at a minimum. Passengers must be at least 8 years of age. They are open from Thursday to Monday and are closed for the month of November starting November 2, out of safety & respect during hunting season. Rentals include all required safety equipment and training.

For more information, check out Tom Irwin Adventure Tour’s website here.


Renfrew County ATV Club Member Meet-Ups

The Renfrew County ATV Club hosts a variety of member meet-ups throughout the season. For example, they are hosting a group ATV ride on September 10. This group ride is taking place in the Logger’s Loop. This ride is by donation through Eventbrite with the donations going to support Soldier On - an organization that supports ill & injured Canadian Armed Forces members. This group ride takes the guesswork out of where to go and what trails to use. As I said, I have terrible navigation and no sense of direction, so anything that does it for me is a win in my books!


Member meet-ups like this one are an excellent opportunity to explore sections of the various trail systems that you may not have explored yet. It is also an opportunity to make new friends while participating in a shared interest. I feel like it is often difficult to find people to go riding with and this is an excellent solution.

For all of the information about member meet-ups with the Renfrew County ATV Club, please refer to their website here.

Motorized Sports-Related Businesses

Pete’s Sales and Service

Here at Time in the Valley, we have nothing but rave reviews for Todd and his crew at Pete’s Sales and Service. They were able to fix some sort of timing issue with my feller’s dirt bike when he swapped out his carburetor. Super reasonable prices with quality mechanics working on all the products they service. They are a licensed dealer for the following brands: Honda, ski-doo, sea-doo, can-am, Beta, Lynx, and Husqvarna. Pete’s also from time to time has some pre-owned inventory. This is especially great if you or someone in your family is just starting out in motorized sports or still growing.

When you inevitably require some sort of service to your bike or ATV, Todd and his crew can get you all sorted so that your equipment has minimal downtime. They are who I trust with my motorized toys.

For more information about Pete’s Sales and Service, please check out their website here.

Ottawa Valley Yamaha

Now I should state upfront that I am clearly partial to Yamaha. We have three Yamaha bikes and just can’t get enough of that Yamaha quality. My feller actually purchased his Yamaha Ténéré 700 at what eventually became Ottawa Valley Yamaha. They sell a plethora of riding gear from all of your favourite riding brands. Of course, they are also a licensed Yamaha dealer and sell Yamaha dirt bikes, ATVs, and UTVs/side-by-sides in a variety of engine sizes to fit every rider.

For more information about Ottawa Valley Yamaha, you can direct yourself to their website here.


Next up

Continuing on with the activity-based blog posts, in collaboration with the Ottawa Valley Tourist Association, is a big hiking round-up. This will feature my favourite trails from around Renfrew County. To say that I am excited about this blog post would be putting it mildly. There are so many awesome trails in this area and I cannot wait to highlight them! Buckle up; it is going to be a big one!

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